Our Alliances

Integrating with the most reputable wastewater equipment alliances and technology companies complements and extends CED’s solutions and capabilities. Our network of alliance relationships strengthens our ability to help clients achieve sustainable cost reduction, increased system reliability, and accelerated vendor identification and evaluation cycle times. Whether it’s Velodyne for polymer activation and hydration technologies, Centrysis for centrifuges, or Poly Processing for chemical storage, CED is dedicated to offering its customers enhanced vendor relationships.
The proliferation of products, services, and vendors creates a constant challenge for organizations that wish to optimize existing operations and accommodate new technologies. As a result, companies are searching for trusted and objective advisors with the knowledge and experience to help them navigate the sea of available Wastewater Equipment and technology.
At CED, we rely upon our network of alliances to augment our knowledge of all the major Wastewater Equipment and technology providers available. Our customers benefit from that knowledge, as well as:
In addition, CED customers that leverage our network of alliances are able to reduce the risk and costs associated with the equipment/technology procurement process as well as the total cost of equipment/technology ownership. Through CED, organizations can streamline and expedite decision making and procurement processes.
Scroll over to the right sidebar and browse our alliance organizations for more information.